A growing collection of on-the-job learnings. 
As of now, this will just be a growing "stream-of-consciousness" list to give you some insight into things I've learned or found important as I've progressed in my career:
Giving co-workers credit is a win-win.
MVP might be smaller than what we thought.
That we don't yet receive the data to do "that".
That we do receive the data to do "that" but the team doesn't have the time/bandwidth to transform it during this sprint.
The major stakeholders need to be brought in sooner.
It's better to motivate than to manipulate.
(borrowed from Dale Carnegie)
"Making" the time to test this is better.
User tests have time constraints so I have to better prioritize the most valuable questions.
Designers need to tackle design debt with a similar priority and process as engineers tackling technical debt.
This might be better if we have someone from every team involved/represented.
If you don't know something or can't follow the conversation, ask.
Before you schedule a meeting, stop and ask yourself if this really needs to be a meeting. 
"Over-investing" in understanding the problem at hand is seldom a problem.
View obstacles as opportunities.
(borrowed from the Stoics)
When you "defend your design" you put the other person on the "offensive". Just work together to find the best solution.
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